Addiction affects everyone, especially those closest to it. Alongside the person in active addiction, are the family members and friends who are then forced to take on additional rolls imposed on them by the presence of the addiction. Over time, the added stress, emotional fatigue, and financial pressures of addiction, often lead to resentment, anger and strife affecting otherwise caring relationships.
Our Family Recovery meetings are open to anyone wishing to share their experience, strength and hope which advocate a recovery lifestyle. If you, a family member, a co worker or a friend are struggling with the effects of a loved ones addiction, there is hope!
We would also like to ask that you respect the views and comments of others and that you refrain from the overuse of profanity that may offend others. Let us start from a place of respect and understanding for one another by sharing one at a time.
Our Family Recovery meeting is not a 12-step meeting and has no affiliation with NA/AA Al-anon etc. This is a safe place to talk, what is said here stays here. The only exception is if a person discloses a desire to harm themselves or someone else which will be noted and reported to appropriate authorities.
Please feel free to share on anything that you feel will enhance your recovery or the recovery of others. Please be mindful in the amount of time you share.